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          Edward Zartavaria

 4th Grand Luxarch of Abydos,

    Grand Marshal of Abydos

Second Dynasty


§5.1. Role of the Grand Luxarch

  • The Grand Luxarch of Abydos shall be regarded as the highest attainable position possible and the regions public figurehead, highest executive leader and commander of the military. The Grand Luxarch shall be responsible for the appointment of the Ma'at Emperor, two Appointed Scribes for the Conclave, the High Oracle, Chief General, Chief Cartographer, and work with the High Priest to set a reasonable foreign policy. Additionally, the Grand Luxarch work with the Founder to insure a harmonious regional experience, maintenance, security, and conduct any necessary revisions to this Eye of Abydos. The Grand Luxarch may also issue various decrees which execute their will and the regional law.


§5.2.Grand Luxarch Terms

  • The Grand Luxarch shall serve for an infinite term, only to be removed from office through voluntary resignation, appointment of a successor, death of nation, or political coup. In the event that no Grand Luxarch exists, the Conclave shall convene to elect a new Grand Luxarch within 72 hours of any vacancy.


§5.3. Grand Luxarch Appointments

  • The Grand Luxarch shall reserve the right to appoint their successor. In this event, The Grand Luxarch may only appoint their Ma'at Emperor, an Oracle, the Founder, or a Citizen who holds guild membership and has been so for a minimum of four months.


§5.4. Grand Luxarch Elections

  • Should a vacancy in the office of the Grand Luxarch occur, or the Grand Luxarch opts to have their successor elected rather than appointed, the Conclave shall gather to elect a new Grand Luxarch. This conclave session shall be known as a Grand Conclave and during this time the Defense Guild and Ambassadors Guild shall not conduct operations nor should the conclave conduct any other business such as the passing of laws, or trials. The Grand Conclave may last up to seven days with a new Grand Luxarch being elected among themselves if a minimum of four scribes vote in favor to elect one. If fewer than four scribes exist at the start of a Grand Conclave, a general election shall occur to elect the Grand Luxarch for all Abydos Citizens. During a general election, any nation who is a guild member and has been a citizen for a minimum of four months shall be eligible to run for the office of Grand Luxarch.


§5.5. Self Proclamations

  • Should the government of Abydos collapse and no apparent Grand Luxarch exists, or if any Grand Luxarch abandons the 13 Abydos Axioms, or this Eye of Abydos in whole, any nation may self proclaim to be the next Grand Luxarch and the title and office shall be respected until such time that this Eye of Abydos be re-ordained and restoration of a functioning government occur. If no such nation makes a self proclamation to the office of Grand Luxarch, the founder shall assume the position by default.


§5.6. Political Coup

  • The Grand Luxarch may be legally couped from office for any or no reason through four different means:



      • A Military Coup shall occur when the Ma'at Emperor, Ankh Emperor, any one or more Oracle, and two appointed Scribes to the Conclave agree in writing that the Grand Luxarch should be removed from office. In a Military Coup, the Ma'at Emperor shall become the next Grand Luxarch.

        A Revolutionary Coup shall occur when the High Priest, Elder Statesman, two elected Scribes to the Conclave, any one or more Oracle, and 5 Citizens agree in writing that the Grand Luxarch should be removed from office. In a Revolutionary Coup, the High Priest shall assume the office of the Grand Luxarch.

        A Populist Coup shall occur when a general vote is cast by the Ankh Emperor with a minimum of ten citizens voting in favor of a Populist Coup to remove the Grand Luxarch and the vote passes with a 75% or higher majority. In a Populist Coup, the a General Election shall immedietly follow to elect a new Grand Luxarch. Any nation may be elected Grand Luxarch provided they have been a citizen for a minimum of four months.

        A Divine Coup shall occur when the High Oracle, Ankh Emperor, Chief Ambassador, and two selected Scribes of the Conclave agree in writing that the Grand Luxarch should be removed from office. In a Divine Coup, the High Oracle shall assume the office of the Grand Luxarch, or appoint another Oracle to the position.



§5.7. Dynasties

  • We shall consider a dynasty to be the continuous rule of appointed Grand Luxarchs. If a Grand Luxarch appoints their successor, that successor shall retain the Dynastic name and count of the previous Grand Luxarch. A new dynasty for Abydos shall begin whenever a Grand Luxarch has been elected, or assumed the office through a coup.

Previous Grand Luxarchs

To Be Added...

          Decrees, Memoranda,                              Proclamata
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March 2019 Decree Book
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